miso-broiled halibut

BRW, p 210-211

We substituted 2 half-pound fillets of halibut for the scallops, as described in the “miso-broiled fish” variation and increased both the miso and onion by half. Also, we used 2 tbsp of sherry and 1 tbsp of honey in place of the mirin. Finally, we broiled it for about 4 min, right up until the miso coating was about to burn. It turned out spectacularly! We really should start taking pictures of some of the dishes, because this one looked as good as it tasted!

miso broccoli and chicken salad

Costco’s broccoli salad
miso carrot sauce with ginger (CEV, p 781)
chicken breasts
sweet miso glaze (CEV, p 782)

The miso glaze went on the chicken breasts as they were grilling. The miso sauce went on salad as a dressing.

CEV: How to Cook Everything Vegetarian
BRW: The Best Recipes in the World